Of course, nothing is as good as getting to know someone in person, but ideally I’d like you to feel comfortable even before you get here. I hope this web site will give you some sense of how we work. You’re also welcome to email or call 212-877-6923 with questions or so that we can spend a few minutes getting to know each other over the phone. Meanwhile, here are some basic facts.
Certified 2005
Before I encountered NeurOptimal® I had been working as a psychotherapist for many years. Although the results my clients and I obtained by working together in psychotherapy were very good, when I was introduced to neurofeedback several years ago I could see right away that it could be beneficial to many of my clients.
I had always felt that people could change themselves, given the right tools. NeurOptimal® is training – not treatment. Your brain does it. That fit right in with how I already thought about my clients. I loved the model that your brain knows how to change itself, given the right information. NeurOptimal® holds up a mirror so that the brain can see what it’s doing. The brain decides what to do with that information. This fit in perfectly with my overall philosophy that people have inherent ability to grow and change.
For some time now, I’ve been a full time NeurOptimal® trainer, and I love it.
I have two Masters Degrees in the field of psychology. One is in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling from William Lyon University and the other is a Masters in Social Work from Fordham University . I’m also trained in Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB, a three year course).
In addition, I am a Zengar Institute certified Advanced and Master Trainer. NeurOptimal® was developed by Zengar Institute.
If you are looking for neurofeedback for an adolescent, I highly recommend Emily S Rosen, LCSW.