An interesting and helpful article by professional organizer Marcia Sloman of Under Control is titled Why People Hold onto Stuff and may help you understand yourself better.
Personally, this office makes me feel something could fall on my head at any moment.
If this kind of change appeals to you and you’re stuck about making it happen, contact Marcia if you are in the Tri-State area. If you’re not local, consult the National Association of Professional Organizers directory.
If you’re really stuck, also consider neurofeedback. You can think of neurofeedback as de-cluttering your brain.
Catherine Boyer, MA, LCSW-R
New York Neurofeedback
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Dear Catherine,
I love your remark about Neurofeedback as de-cluttering the CNS.
Yours sincerely,
Margreet Bijkerk
Thank you, Margreet!