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  • NeurOptimal® and Natalie’s Story

    Natalie’s Story comes to us from Perth, Australia. That beautiful skyline you saw on the blog is Perth.

    This six minute video will give you a good sense of what NeurOptimal® can do. Steve Phillis, my felllow NeurOptimal® Representative, is Natalie’s trainer and does a great job of telling us how NeurOptimal® works.


    Please visit our website for more about the potential benefits of NeurOptimal® sessions. You can also read what clients have said about the results they’ve experienced. Please ask any questions you have here on the blog, email me confidentially, or call 212-877-6923.

    And, yes, that is a New York Yankees cap Natalie is wearing.

    Catherine Boyer, MA, LCSW-R
    New York Neurofeedback

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