The idea of a gifted artist who also has a degree in neuroscience had never crossed my mind, but a while back I discovered that there is someone with exactly that background who creates artwork of the brain.
I learned about him from a Scientific American article titled Watch the Human Brain Come to Life in this Stunning Piece of Art. In the article you’ll see a fascinating video of moving art. Just scroll down the article to watch the video – it’s complexity and beauty are stunning.
These glowing, moving images were created by Greg A, Dunn. The artwork in the video was on display at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Here’s what the Scientific American article says about what you see:
The piece maps Dunn’s illustrations of neurons and axons via algorithmically guided microetchings. As LEDs scan across the surface, they reflect off the varying depths and angles of the gold leaf grooves to make each neurological pathway shimmer like it is truly alive with electrical firings.
I’ve seen a lot of illustrations and art based on the brain, but I have to say this went to the top of my list.
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Catherine Boyer, MA, LCSW-R
New York Neurofeedback
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